Realistic landscapes and wildlife, fantasy, and a dab of abstract...
Peter began working in art at an early age when a love and interest for art was passed down from his mother who introduced and encouraged his artistic skills. His original works of fine art are designed to be comfortable to live with and display in your living spaces. Peter's art leans toward realistic landscapes and wildlife, fantasy, and a dab of abstract. He works in a variety of mediums such as pen & ink, acrylics, watercolor, pastel, charcoal, colored inks and pencils, airbrush, serigraphy, and computer generated images.
At a glance
- Hand paints large interior and exterior wall murals.
- Creates video, animation, and is a children's book illustrator.
- Received a BFA from the College of Visual and Performing Arts at Syracuse University.
359 Fisher Road
Cold Brook
, NY
M-F, 9am-5pm, By appointment only